Monday, July 8, 2013

Farseer Psychic Powers - Part Two

4. Death Mission

There's really no way around the fact that Death Mission is pretty terrible.  Admittedly, in the right situation it could be decent - say, if your farseer has Soulshrive or the Shard of Vaul.  Then, you might have a chance of dealing some real damage with this power, and it could be useful in a desperate situation (as the power's text implies).  Of course, that would require you to spend points preparing for a power you don't want...

His armor is made from the
bones of farseers who
make poor decisions
While +5WS, BS, I and +2A is a really strong buff, it's being applied to an initially weak character.  Farseers are sub-par in melee compared to other psykers, let alone a combat-dedicated character.  Of course, you don't necessarily need to deal damage with a farseer, and maybe that WS10 will keep him alive until you can mount a counterattack, but even that is irrelevant due to Death Mission's restrictions.

The first drawback is that this spell can kill your farseer.  When Death Mission is used, the psyker generates D3+2 counters, which he has a 50% chance of losing at the end of each phase, and when he runs out of counters, he dies.  So on average, you'll get 4 counters per round by recasting the spell and lose 3, which should sustain your farseer reasonably well.  However, it's very possible for a few bad rolls to kill your farseer very quickly, and failing your psychic test is probably a death sentence, so let's hope you're not playing against Tyranids or Space Wolves.

That's still not the worst part though, because once you've cast Death Mission, your farseer cannot use any other psychic powers for the rest of the game.  Here we come to the crux of the problem: even if you manage to save your farseer with Death Mission, who cares?  He's not guiding or dooming anything else - all he'll do for the rest of the game is run around waving his witchblade, hoping he keeps passing those 4+ rolls and psychic tests.  So unless you cast this on the 5th turn, your farseer is now a mediocre combat character and nothing else, and even then, why would you want a power you won't use for most of the game?  Even the name "Death Mission" is terrible, and its two warp charge cost is insult following injury.  This is without question the worst power available to farseers, and when rolled should be immediately discarded for Guide.  If you have the Eldar psychic deck, I suggest burning the card so that you're never tempted to dirty your farseer with this awful power.

5. Fortune

Much like Guide, Fortune remains essentially unchanged from previous editions, except for it's new 24" range and ability to target allied units, though it's warp charge cost has also gone up to two.  While not as overwhelmingly powerful as Doom, Fortune fills an important defensive niche in the farseer's arsenal.  However, unlike Guide and Doom, which are excellent in any situation, Fortune's usefulness is dependent on the Eldar player's army composition.

Bonus points if you play this every time you re-roll
your saving throws
To make the best use of Fortune, you need units with strong saves; the closer to 2+ the unit's armor/invul/cover save, the more useful Fortune becomes.  Cover and invulnerable saves are especially potent when reinforced by Fortune because your opponent cannot circumvent it with low AP weapons.  For this reason, Conceal stacks especially well with this power, as does Protect, both from the warlock psychic list.  Of the units available to Eldar, warlock councils and wraith units are the most viable targets due to their solid saves and high toughness (for Eldar).

Fortune is a more difficult power to use than Guide because it requires you to determine what target you opponent most wants to kill: using Fortune on a unit the enemy can ignore means you've wasted it.  To complicate this, use of Fortune can alter your opponent's target priority.  A fortuned wraithknight might not be worth shooting anymore, for example, so while it's possible you'll save him several wounds, he might also cease to be a fire magnet, leaving your next most prioritized unit vulnerable.

6. Mind War

A potentially strong power, Mind War has changed slightly from its previous incarnation in a few ways.  It's range has increased to 24", the wounds inflicted ignore cover, and the loser of the leadership roll-off has his WS and BS reduced to 1 for the rest of the turn.  It's warp charge cost has also risen to two.  Aside from the higher cost, Mind War has become significantly stronger.

It looks exactly like this, I swear.
100% legitimate representation of a psychic duel
In addition to dealing damage, the WS reduction allows you to set up devastating charges: shredding a monstrous creature's combat ability prior to a charge while knocking off a wound or two is a really nice option to have.  The longer range lets your farseer maintain a safe position while weakening or killing single models.

Bear in mind that because of the 6th edition psychic power changes, Mind War is not a reliable way of sniping targets inside of units.  As a focussed witchfire, Mind War suffers the same 28% chance of the caster selecting his target, which means most of the time you'll be rolling off against 5pt guardsman instead of the commissar you're trying to kill.  But while its days of killing nobz out of ork mobs are over, Mind War remains a very strong tool for killing monstrous creatures and other single models, and should find good results if used as such.

Part One     Part Three


  1. I really enjoyed this read and wanted to give you a tip: make sure you put a link near the top of your post to get to the previous/next connected article. I eventually noticed that the "older post" button took me there, you may not do part1 and part2 posts one after the other and also, it helps your Google search results because you're linking between pages! :)

    PS, imagine mind war combined with embolden/horrify... ;)

  2. Thanks for pointing that out, it's fixed now.

    And yeah, that's a brutal combo. Worse, use a psyker battle squad - shredding their leadership to two means Mind War will one shot even a Riptide.
